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I went back to high school last week.  And, as usual, it was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!

I mean, look at these guys.  Who couldn't have fun with them?!

It was awesome because two things I love came colliding together - flowers & education.  I've always liked the idea of colliding interests and an always-changing work environment.  When I was a little daisy my babysitter asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. 

"When I grow up I want to be a dentist like Daddy on Monday.  On Tuesday I'll be a babysitter like you.  Wednesday I'll be a teacher like Mrs. Hostetler.  On Thursday I'll be a mommy like Mommy and on Friday I'll be a scientist like me."  

And, today I'm leaving the dream, well almost.  Everyday I do different things and I really like that.  And, ironically enough, I am a scientist (according to Myers Brigg & my college diploma!).

Needless to say, I loved being a teacher for a few days.  We baked fancy cupcakes (Warning! They are a labor of love), picked pumpkins and flowers, and if they would have let us ride the ponies at the pumpkin patch, there's no question -- I would have had those kids riding ponies.  I told them it was going to be the best day of their life and I was there to have as much fun as humanly possible!  They were happy to oblige.  Did I let them smash said cupcakes (Again, LABOR OF LOVE!) in their friend's face.  YES.  Common, live a little already.

Adventures from Bender's Potato Farm, Hope Valley Gardens and the classroom are detailed below.  Unfortunately I didn't get a single picture of the kids in the garden.  I was too busy running around finding new "weeds" to use for our project.  Gardeners call them weeds.  I say, "this is SO interesting.  I wonder if it will hold in water."  Good thing I'm not a gardener.  I'd just let it all grow!  I LOVE WEEDS and I LOVE BEING IN THE GARDEN.

I'm so proud of my students and I love them all!  I hope they grow up to do exactly what the Lord designed them to do, putting all fear and worry behind them.  I hope they remember that flowers are fleeting pleasures that remind us to celebrate today, and I pray they put their full trust in God's Word, which never withers or fades away.

P.S. I guess it's probably a good we didn't ride the ponies.  Looks like they bite.