Update :: Flower Workshop

On Monday I shopped like a crazy for the workshop in May.  I picked out the aprons, made the emblem, bought all the dinner dishes and pretty cups, fabric, more fabric, styling props, candles, a LOT of buckets and PENCILS.  Pencils took me the longest to decide on.  Why?!  I do not know.  I just stared at the wall of options.  They were all so different and, in my mind, the one I picked bore big time weight.  I went with my gut.  A classic #2 pencil — sharp and bright like my students!  We are rolling!  

Kelly Perry Flower Workshop

Speaking of rolling...registration is rolling!  I have a few spots left — a few more aprons and pencils with your name on them -- you, girl who has a subtle little nudge inside to quit your job and start doing flowers.  This workshop was made for you!  If flowers make you come alive, you must do them.  The world needs the perspective and kindness you'll bring, and only you can bring it.  Now might not be quite the right time to launch into it, but you'll know when it is and have the skills in your set to do it when the time is right!  

We'll cover basics, but we'll build on them and cover more complicated things.  A good challenge never hurt anyone!  I'm so excited!  I think what I'm most excited about is the pre and post workshop learning and community building.  

If you want an apron, a pencil and a lot more (!) email me so I can hear your story and create a beautiful environment you'll thrive in!  I'd love to wrap all this up by April 1 so we can get down to business :)

Well friends, I've got to run!  I've got a studio that needs a final coat of fresh white paint before I head to Charleston next week for a flower class of my own!  I LOVE learning.

P.S. Isn't this ranunculus so great?!  If it had color variation in it I think my eyes would totally shut down from beauty overload, but look at it's ruffles (!!!)  Grocery store win :)

New York :: Flowers :: Food :: Friends

I was in New York last month.  And these are the pictures to prove it.  I hadn't planned to go up, but my friend Holly (who is also a florist) was going for a Little Flower School class and that gave me flower fever.  Nicolette had me along to pick up flowers and prep everything for class.  She also gave me a pep talk over white wine and french fries.  I treasure that time because in it I got one step closer to overcoming a problem.  Bossing it!  Being a champion.  And that felt good.  

Holly is great with film and snapped this picture of my arrangement.  I cherish it :)  my favorite part about it is, naturally, the way the flowers bring out that tiny little hint of red in the grapes.  I live for these subtle things.

Photo Credit: Holly Carlisle

Here you have Nicolette and Holly, flower school and iPhone pictures from my adventures around town.

Poor Siri.  All I did was ask her for directions all day long.  My phone usually looked like this (above).  Kefi was a great night out.  I ate perfectly cooked greek fish...and dessert of course.  My company that night was sweet, the best part actually.  Michelle and I worked together at Liberty planning events and now she's in New York working for Loft.  It's amazing how different life can look in a year if you decide you want it to.  

I stayed with my friend Amy.  We're flower friends.  Someday she is going to cover Canada with flowers that aren't there currently.  The girl is downright determined to figure out how to make things grow there and she will.  I have absolutely no doubts.  She and I are both a little...hardheaded?  Determined?  Going to figure it out?  Focused?  Are any of those the right words?  She's designing a garden...showing me page after page of interesting books with interesting flowers and sketches.  It's going to be amazing, even more amazing than the MOST AMAZING yogurt I've ever eaten which is — Noosa Passion Fruit Yogurt.  That was in her refrigerator and it changed my life.  She also spoiled me with french pastries and endless flower talk.  

Most of the time I was on my own, running around like a professional New Yorker (or so I tried...I think I make too much eye contact and smile too much to fit in...BUT walking like I knew exactly where I was going, even if I was on a train going the opposite direction that I needed to go with armloads of flowers...I had that part down...Grandma taught me).  Anyway, I didn't mind being alone.  I sort of like to run around and eat out by myself sometimes.  It gives me a chance to notice interesting things going on around me that I wouldn't notice otherwise.  I had the best time sitting in the window seat at Buvette, a little French Restaurant in the West Village.  This was one of those interesting moments in life I'll always remember.  The supply delivery man came while I was sitting there.  I could see him going in through the delivery door from where I was sitting.  Everything on his dolly looked like it had been sourced with the upmost care.  Cheese from New England and butter from Europe — you know it's going to be good when the ingredients are sourced thoughtfully and carefully.  That's why I went to New York in the first place.  To make sure I was sourcing the best flowers, the best containers and ribbon for my special brides.  It made me smile to know that someone was doing the same for me in that moment.  I'm normally a $5-10 lunch girl, but that day I spent $40.  I didn't blink and eye and don't regret it for a second.  I got a girl's passion poured out on a plate, and one of those special moments I can always remember with fondness.  Worth it!!!  This is how I want to live my life and run my business — pouring out all my passion and giving my brides those priceless moments.  I hope they all look back at their wedding albums with the bouquet ribbon from New York marking their favorite picture and think...worth it.  

Also, the lattes at Five Leaves in Brooklyn are great.  That's all I have to say about that.

Oh!  The flower report...the reason I started writing in the first place...oddly enough, I love the flowers I can get in Boone more than almost everything I saw at the market.  It was February though, and I can get nothing but pine needles in February here.  So, the fritillaria, sweet peas and ranunculus were a welcome sight.  No one grows ranunculus stateside quite like Hautau.  I did scribble down a few new rose varieties that will make an appearance in our work this year, and I fell in love with pale yellow gloriosa lilies.  I spent a miniature fortune on ribbon, and my studio is knee deep in boxes of new containers and candles.  I'm in GOOD shape for a while.  I hope.

Well, that's it.  The New York report.

In other news, the flower workshop is filling nicely.  We registered six in the first week and then I took a break and have been working on revamping our studio.  We'll be back talking about it next week and get the rest of the class filled out.  Wedding Sparrow is doing a little post for us on Wednesday so keep your eyes peeled!  Aunt Willies Wildflowers is bringing us gobs of goods.  I'm very happy about this.  I'm also happy about the pre-workshop learning exercises I've been working on.  Brings back my days of studying in college to be a teacher.  That didn't work out like I thought it would.  But, that's ok.  I think studying to be a teacher makes you think...and thinking has served me well...even if I'm not a "real" middle school home ec teacher like I thought I would be.

Emily Chidester Photography :: Caroline & Sam :: Ruffled

Emily Chidester just sent over the most adorable pictures from Caroline & Sam's wedding!  I can't help but smile over all of them.  Caroline is so creative and cute and you can obviously see that come through in her wedding.  She did practically everything herself and just brought me on to treat herself to a lovely, lush bouquet full of garden roses.  Enjoy my friends!  This one is super special!  The full feature is on Ruffled today.  Thanks again Emily Chidester photography for sharing your talent with us!  
