
I took a picture on my phone today.

I was standing in the middle of a mess when I did it.  A gasoline can at my feet...a lawnmower next to it.  Odds and ends that need a home, dirty containers, rotting flowers, spider webs, a random five dollar bill — sometimes that's all I see.  

But as I stepped back for a second a word came to my mind — Progress.  

In March I built these rolling carts.  One has a crooked it character I suppose.  They are big and I like them.  Last week Jesse painted them.  I found these lamps I like on a trip to DC this spring...makes it feel friendly.  Last year at this time I had a little wobbly card table.  Progress!

I think we should tell perfectionism to take a hike and celebrate progress more.

Philosophy Flowers

New Friends

I think my favorite thing about going somewhere by myself is meeting new people.  Every single person sees the world so differently and I think this is interesting.  

These are a few pictures from the tablescape we created as a team at Ariella's workshop.  My new friends Jamie and Steve are there to my right.  I just got back from visiting them in Seattle and helping them with a wedding.  They are such good hosts with huge hearts — I'm happy to know them.  

When's the last time you made a new friend?  I think as adults we make this complicated and should probably take a mental trip back to kindergarden.  You're on the playground and you say, "Hi, I'm Kelly, want to go swing?"  You don't really think of what they might think or the fact that you could get just go.  Some kids are mean and say no — it's the same with adults.  Move on and don't think another thing of it.  Just ask again and keep your heart open.  The right people have a way of taking up residence there and it's really quite wonderful.

Photos: Corbin Gurkin

I'm excited to share photos from our spring workshop here in the mountains very soon!  I'm so proud of all the girls who attended — they are starting businesses and making waves already!  I thought I'd take a minute today to thank  Blue Ridge for Rent for helping make our time together so enjoyable!  They fixed us up with lovely mountain accommodations.  I just drove by our "Flower House" yesterday when I was running errands and it made me smile.  Another group is there this week with kayaks and bikes piled on all their cars.  That home is such a happy place and I'm thankful for the people who had the vision to create a place like that for people.  They offer more than accommodations for family trips or weddings, they offer rest, warmth, laughter and sweet memories.  I'll never forget cleaning up petals from the patio late one night.  All the girls were grouped together in different sections of the house, having little after parties, laughing and recounting the day.  They were all so happy and it made me so happy.  New Friends!!!  It was happening right in front of me.  

Azalea Appreciation Day Fall Wedding - Amy & Derek

Bright green azalea foliage turns to a subtle symphony of color in the fall.  I've walked by that evergreen a million times uninspired, but on November 1 of last year it was the inspiration for Amy & Derek's mountain wedding at Crestwood.  

Thanks Kasey Loftin for these beautiful photos!


Kathleen made that pretty sign for their wreath!  She also makes wedding invitations and pretty cards.  I love scheming and dreaming with her!  :)