I start every class teaching students how to build a solid foundation. It's the most important thing about arranging flowers. The first flower class I took was a mess. Amy was there to witness it. I didn't get any lilac to make a base with. Instead I went right for what immediately caught my eye, parrot tulips and fritillaria. I stumbled around trying to get these flimsy flowers to "go" somewhere for basically the entire class. Lesson learned: YOU MUST HAVE A SOLID FOUNDATION.
The same thing is true about life. You've got to have a solid foundation or you're just wasting a lot of time trying to "go somewhere" with your fancy fritillaria and tulips.
Student Work!
Thank you West Elm for hosting! Follow them on instagram for news on future events @westelmcharlotte.
Thanks to Christa at Goldmine Journal for the pics! Follow the blog if you want to follow awesome.
And, the owner and creative brains behind Vintage Concord was a student at the class! Vintage Concord does letterpress paper goods for weddings and parties, so Philosophy Flower Brides and Planners call these crazy cats up, and tell them we sent you! You'll be glad you did.
This post was written with love from your philosoflower! xoxo - Kelly